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How To Do Inventory Count In The QR Inventory System Using A Mobile App

What Is The Best Way To Count Inventory Using A QR Inventory System?

Before starting to use a QR Inventory software you need to enter existing inventory and assets into the system, and do initial inventory count. If you already have a list of part numbers you are using, and the current inventory count list, you can import these lists into the QR Inventory system. If you are just starting with inventory management and do not have any data yet, you can enter part numbers / SKUs into the inventory management system, and do initial inventory count fast and easy with the QR code scanning mobile app.
Follow these three simple steps to do initial inventory entry and count:

  • 1. Prepare QR code labels. Use A QR Inventory software web interface to generate and print QR code labels in bulk. If your items are already labeled with barcodes or QR codes, in many cases you will be able to use them and skip this step.
  • 2. Label and scan inventory with a mobile app. Stick QR codes on inventory items, warehouse shelves or boxes. Scan A QR code with a mobile app.
  • 3. Enter inventory info and count. If this part number / SKU is not yet in the QR Inventory system, you will be prompted to enter basic info in the mobile app. If this SKU is already in the system, you will be able to enter inventory count right away, and it will be added to the existing count. This way, if you have items with the same SKUs stored in several different places, you will still have an accurate count and no mix ups.
After these steps are completed, you are ready to start managing inventory and tracking assets in real time using a QR code scanning mobile app.

What To Know Before Entering And Counting Inventory


Assets And Inventory - What Is The Difference?

Before starting with the initial inventory entry and count, it is important to understand if the items you are about to enter are inventory or assets. The following section will help you to make this decision.

What is inventory?

Inventory (often referred to as consumables, supplies or materials) includes items that you do not want to track individually. You are mostly concerned with the stock level in all locations, what do you have where, and when do you need to order more. Inventory is tracked by SKU, line item number, part number or lot number. You can have multiple units of the same SKU or part number, spread over different locations.

What is asset?

An asset is a unique item that you want to track individually. You may have multiple assets that are exactly the same except for the serial number. Some example of assets can be tools, construction equipment, mobile phones, computers. Although you may have many assets that are the same, you still want to know the location and history of each assets. You want to know where each tool or equipment was used, when it was maintained and repaired, to which employee a mobile phone or computer is assigned, etc. Assets are usually tracked by serial number. Since each asset is unique, it always have a quantity of 1.

What Is The Best Way To Get Initial Inventory Count Into The System?

You can import SKUs and inventory count from a list, enter these data manually using a web interface, or enter this info in the inventory management system using a QR code scanning mobile app.

Importing SKUs And Inventory Count Into The QR Inventory Software

If you have a list of SKUs and a list of inventory count in your field and warehouse locations, the fastest way would be to import these lists into the QR Inventory system. Please go through this frequently asked questions to make sure that import goes smoothly.

Can I import inventory list with the custom fields?

Yes, you can include custom fields in your import file. Before doing an import, you need to enter custom fields into the QR Inventory software, and use exactly the same names for your custom fields in the import file header.

Why do we need a separate file for importing inventory count?

When you import inventory into the sytem, it is a list of part numbers, or SKUs. However, you can have many units of the same SKU, that can be located at different sites. Each location will have different inventory count. Therefore, you need to import inventory count separately, and you may have multiple lines for each SKU - one line per SKU / location combo. Use second form on the import page, Import Inventory Stock, for importing inventory count in all of your locations.

Why do I get an error when importing SKUs or inventory count lists?

The most frequent cause of an error is incorrect import file format. Each import form has a File Format link that describes what fields should be in your files, and in what order. Please follow these instructions to avoid import errors.

Entering SKUs And Inventory Count Via A Cloud Software Web Interface

If you do not have a list, you can enter SKUs and inventory count in all locations via a QR Inventory software web interface. Here are the answers to the frequently asked questions that will help you with this process.

I have multiple assets which are different only by their serial number. Do I have to enter each asset into the inventory management system individually?

You do not have to. A QR Inventory software is designed to limit repetitive tasks as much as possible. You can use Bulk Add Assets option to enter asset info once, then scan in or paste a list of all serial numbers.

I created custom fields for the inventory, but I cannot see them on the entry form?

Assets and inventory entry into the system is a three step process:
  • Step 1. Enter basic info: SKU or serial number, name, group and pricing, if applicable. Only SKU / serial number is a requred field, everything else is optional.
  • Step 2. Enter data into the custom fields that you created. If any of your custom fields are of type image / pdf, you will be able to upload a file on this step.
  • Step 3. Assign asset to a location, or enter inventory count in one or multiple locations.

Second and third steps are optional. If you did not fill out custom fields, you can always do it later by clicking the Update Custom Fields link. You can also enter assets location and inventory count later, or do it by using an inventory transaction.

How do I upload image(s) for the asset or inventory?

Create custom field of type image / pdf. When you enter an item into the inventory management system, you will have a chance to upload an image or pdf file for each custom field of type image / pdf. You will be able to upload one file for each field. If you need to upload multiple images, create a separate custom field for each image.

Initial Data Entry And Inventory Count Using A Mobile App

A QR code scanning mobile app allows you to quickly and efficiently label inventory, count it and enter into the inventory management system. You do not need to create lists manually and do double entries. Here are the answers to the frequently asked questions that will help you do initial inventory entry and count fast and error free.

How can I enter inventory into the system using a mobile app?

You need to create a transaction type named Initial Entry. When you log into the mobile app, select Initial Entry transaction. It will allow you to scan a QR code or barcode, and enter all info on the scanned item in the mobile app. Then add scanned inventory item to the system with one click in the mobile app. If you want to have images associated with this item, you can take photos using a smartphone camera and these images will become a part of inventory record.

What is the most efficient way to do initial inventory count using a mobile app?

If you are just starting with the inventory management, and have no idea what items you have and how many, the most efficient way to do initial inventory count is by using a mobile app. Initial Entry transaction will allow you to add new SKUs / part numbers to the QR Inventory system, and do inventory count at the same time. Company employees can do inventory count in multiple field and warehouse locations at the same time, so you can get up and running an a few days. Here is what company employees need to do to enter and count inventory fast and in the most efficient manner using a mobile app:

  • Log into the QR Inventory mobile app, select Initial Entry transaction.
  • At each location, go through the assets and inventory, labeling and scanning each item.
  • If scanned part number is already in the system, you will have a chance to enter quantity. If not, you will be able to enter this SKU, along with the required info into the QR Inventory system first.
  • You can have several people taking inventory count at the same time in the same location, in their designated areas.
  • Inventory line items do not have to be at the same spot for the proper counting. As you scan SKUs / part numbers that were previously entered into the inventory management system, you will just enter inventory count. All entered quantities will sum up, producing the correct inventory count for each SKU at the location.
  • The same method works with the assets, except that you won't need to count - you just label each asset, scan and enter it into the system.

Mobile Inventory Tracking With QR Inventory