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IoT Asset Tracking System With Conditions Monitoring

Today, it's no longer a question of if software, internet of things (IoT) sensors, mobile devices and other technology is being used on the jobsite, but rather what types.

Construction Business Owner Magazine

Use IoT technology for the smart asset management. IoT asset tracking system gives you a real time visibility into assets location, status and conditions. Monitor assets remotely 24 / 7 without a need for the field employees to get involved into the asset tracking tasks.


What Is An IoT System And How Is It Used In Asset Tracking

An IoT (Internet of Things) system is a network of connected devices that can communicate to each other and a remote cloud server. An IoT asset tracking system utilizes smart tags and sensors that wirelesly communicate to the IoT gateways. One IoT gateway can collect data from multiple tags and sensors within its range. A gateway sends data to a remote cloud server, or to the server on the local network.

IoT devices produce a lot of data. It is beneficial to have gateways with the edge data processing capabilities. An edge gateway can filter data and eliminate unnecessary or redundant information. This significantly reduces load on a cloud or local server.

An IoT asset tracking system works on its own without a need for the company employees to do manual asset tracking.

How IoT Asset Tracking System Can Help Your Business

How you can use IoT technologies to increase operations efficiency and business process automation.

BLE Asset Tracking

Automate equipment tracking with BLE tags and sensors. Always know equipment location, status and conditions.    More

IoT WIP Tracking

Automatically track work orders through the production process using BLE tags and IoT gateways. Access live work order status and history from anywhere.    More

BLE Inventory Management

Have a real time visibility into the inventory stock and locations. Use smartphones for bulk scanning or IoT gateways for automated inventory tracking.    More

IoT Remote Conditions Monitoring

Use IoT sensors to remotely monitor assets, inventory and storage locations conditions, such as temperature and humidity. Prevent spoilage, waste, assets damage and breakdowns.    More

Smart Asset Management System With Modern Technologies

A QR Inventory software gives you the right tools and set of technologies for your needs and budget. Use smart asset tags of your choice: QR codes, NFC, RFID or Bluetooth low energy (BLE) tags. Track assets using a mobile phone or IoT gateways. Optionally add IoT sensors for the real time remote conditions monitoring. Regardless of the tags and asset tracking devices, all data are delivered to the back end cloud software in real time.
Investing in the right technology will be key to securing future work. What might seem like a costly nice-to-have today will likely become a competitive must-have in the near future...

Construction Executive Magazine  

Digital Transformation Of Asset Management Process
IoT and mobile technologies transform asset management process, make it automated, real time and digital.

A QR Inventory software uses modern technologies to help you digitize and automate asset tracking and management. A modular structure of the QR Inventory software allows you to pick the right set of tools and modules for your needs and budget. Use QR Inventory system for the efficient, smart assets and inventory management in the field and warehouse. Complete all types of field paperwork using digital mobile forms. Track workflows and processes, and achieve full traceability. Create a fully automated solution using a Bluetooth asset tracking system. Or you can use a simpler and lower cost asset tracking system that works with QR codes and mobile phones.

IoT Asset Tracking Benefits And Implementation

The main benefit of using an IoT asset tracking vs other methods is its complete automation. One of the barriers in the successful implementation of the asset tracking system is the fact that company employees are busy with their main jobs. They may not have time or desire to do anything extra. Anything that makes asset tracking process faster and easier significantly increases the chances of success.

An IoT asset tracking system included in the QR Inventory software utilizes BLE tags and IoT gateways to free employees from the asset tracking tasks. Once gateways are installed, assets are tagged and the cloud software is set up you can remotely monitor assets from anywhere via a single web dashboard.

❱❱ More on IoT asset tracking benefits and implementation

Benefits Of IoT Asset Tracking In The QR Inventory Software

Automated Real Time Asset Tracking

Real time view into assets location, status, conditions, maintenance and usage history

A QR Inventory software uses BLE tags as the most functional and the least expensive option for the IoT asset tracking. BLE tags are constantly broadcasting an asset ID. An ID is picked up by a smartphone or a dedicated Bluetooth IoT gateway. Regardless of which BLE signal receiver you pick, the asset information is sent to the cloud software in real time. All authorized IoT system users have a live view of assets at all times.
You can use a smartphone for BLE based asset tracking. BLE tags can be scanned in bulk, and a software user has an option to enter additional data before submitting results to the back end cloud software. Or you can use a a BLE gateway for a fully automated asset tracking.

Remote Asset Conditions Monitoring

IoT sensors and gateways give you conditions of assets at multiple job sites 24/7.

With remote IoT asset monitoring system you can be sure that assets are stored and are operating at the right conditions. You can monitor a variety of conditions, such as temperature, humidity, gas or water leaks, unusual vibration patterns, etc. BLE sensors measure relevant parameters, and send data to the cloud software through the IoT gateway. You can set how often the measurements are done and how often data are sent to the remote cloud server. You can also set acceptable values range and configure edge data processing rules for each gateway.
If any of the reported parameters fall outside of the acceptable range, you receive an instant alert. This way you can detect issues right away and can act quickly to correct the problem.
IoT based remote conditions monitoring system can save you a lot of money and headache by preventing costly damage to the assets, materials and properties.

Increased Job Site Safety

Monitor where the employees and visitors are, make sure they are staying away from the dangerous zones.

IoT technologies can help you increase workplace safety and prevent accidents. Safety monitoring with IoT devices will significantly reduce your insurance costs.
Job site safety monitoring with IoT devices is especially relevant for the construction sites with a high number of the workplace accidents. Wearable BLE devices or smartphones help you monitor employees and visitors location. You can alert them when heavy machinery is around, and ensure that unauthorized personnel stays out of the restricted areas. Project managers receive instant alerts on any hazardous situation, and can act on it quickly.

BLE-Based IoT Asset Management In Action - Case Study

PositiveCarry, LLC, a delivery company, was facing a recurring nightmare – the regular loss of their expensive Zebra handheld scanners. A QR Inventory software stepped in, implementing a tailored solution using BLE tags and IoT gateways. The results were astonishing. In the year since implementing an IoT asset tracking, Positive Carry hasn't lost a single scanner.

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IoT Asset Tracking Methods And Technologies

IoT asset tracking is an umbrella term that includes many different methods and technologies. The most frequently used technologies are Bluetooth low energy (BLE), RFID and GPS. Which IoT asset tracking method will work better for you depends on what exactly you are trying to achieve.

RFID and Bluetooth are used for tracking assets in the specific designated locations. The locations can be indoors (smart buildings, warehouses, offices), or outdoors (job sites, oil drilling sites). For the fully automated BLE or RFID asset tracking you need IoT gateways. IoT gateways can detect assets within the limited distance - anywhere between tens of meters to a kilometer.

GPS asset tracking is used for the high value assets which are moving between locations. The examples of such assets are vehicles, shipping containers, construction equipment, etc. GPS tags can send an asset GPS location to the backend cloud software on their own via cellular connection. GPS asset tracking does not require any additional infrastructure or IoT gateways.

❱❱ More on IoT Asset Tracking Methods .

Components Of IoT Asset Tracking And Monitoring System

IoT asset tracking systems can have very different configuration and components. Which components you will need depends on your business process and typical workflow.
In general, you will need IoT hardware and software. IoT hardware may include smart asset tags (BLE tags in the QR Inventory software), IoT sensors and gateways. You will always need a cloud software for receiving data from the gateways, data processing and reporting. Optionally you may use a mobile app for monitoring asset location and interacting with the sensors. For the automated asset tracking system that uses IoT gateways you will need a gateway software.
A QR Inventory software allows you to select the right set of IoT asset tracking system components for your project.

IoT Asset Tracking System Hardware

BLE Sensors
A bluetooth sensor for temperature and humidity conditions monitoring is a wireless, easy to install device which is operated on the battery. Once you install the sensor and added it to the list of registered IoT devices, the sensor starts sending temperature and humidity values to the gateway at the specified time intervals.

The measured values are also logged on the sensor. If a connection between the gateway and the sensor is interrupted for any reason the data are preserved and can be retrieved later.

When adding a sensor to the system you can specify the meaningful temperature and humidity step at which data should be logged, and configure temperature and humidity thresholds.


BLE Beacon Tags
BLE beacon tags are the most practical and the least expensive option for the IoT asset tracking system. BLE tags broadcast the asset ID number. This number is picked up by the nearby bluetooth receiver. A receiver can be a mobile device, a computer, or a dedicated bluetooth gateway. Depending on the specific BLE tags, a receiver and the environment, the BLE signal can be picked up at a distance from tens of meters to 500-600 meters or more.

BLE asset tags are small plastic tags, around 3-6 cm and about 1 cm in thickness. They can be rugged, waterproof, and are suitable for the harsh outdoor environment. BLE tags are attached to the asset using an adhesive surface, with a zip tie or screws. There are also wearable BLE tags for tracking employees and site visitors.


Bluetooth IoT Gateway
A gateway reads data from the BLE tags and sensors, and sends data to the cloud software for the processing and reporting. A single gateway collects data from multiple sensors and BLE tags.

AHG provides a BLE gateway with the edge data processing. It means that a gateway can pre-process and filter data before sending them to the remote cloud server.

You can set the edge processing rules, temperature and humidity thresholds, asset tracking alerts, time intervals and more. You can do this by logging directly into the gateway on the local network, or via a cloud software interface.

A gateway stores data locally until the data are sent to the cloud software. Collected information is never lost.


IoT Asset Tracking System Software

A Cloud Software
A cloud software is an essential part of an IoT asset tracking system. It is responsible for accepting data from the gateways, processing and storing data, and producing human readable reports.

You can also manage and configure gateways and sensors using a cloud software interface. Alternatively, you can configure each gateway by logging into it locally on the company's internal network.

You can choose where to host a cloud software part of the IoT asset tracking system. You can host it with us, internally on your company network, or with a cloud hosting provider of your choice, such as Azure or AWS.


A Mobile Application
An IoT asset tracking system may include a mobile app as an option. A smartphone with the mobile app can be used as a gateway for collecting data from the sensors and BLE tags. A mobile app can detect assets tagged with the BLE tags, and read data from the IoT sensors. A smartphone can connect to a backend cloud software and transfer data without a need for a dedicated gateway.

Using a smartphone as an IoT gateway can give you more flexibility. Smartphones allow employees to fill out mobile form that should accompany data collected by IoT devices. Using a smartphone as a gateway also reduces the overall expense of the IoT asset tracking system.


An IoT Gateway Software
A function of a gateway is to serve as a bridge between the cloud asset tracking software and local IoT devices. A gateway transfers info both ways. It collects data from the sensors and BLE tags and sends them to the cloud software. You also use a gateway to manage and configure local IoT devices. You can also set alerts for misplaced assets or out of range data. The gateway software is responsible for supporting this functionality. The software should be able to understand the messages sent by the sensors, and know what data format is expected by the cloud software. The customization of the gateway software may be needed to support IoT sensors and cloud software from the different vendors.


We provide a complete IoT asset tracking and monitoring system. The system includes all hardware and software components listed above. You will likely not need all of these components in your asset tracking system. We will recommend the right combo based on your project. We can also modify the system as needed to accommodate various IoT devices and cloud software hosting options.

IoT Asset Tracking Test Kit

Want to try how an IoT asset tracking system will work for you with limited number of assets? An IoT asset tracking test kit will allow you to do just this. A test kit includes:

If you would like to find out more and order an IoT asset tracking test kit, please fill out a form here

What Industries Are Using IoT Asset Tracking And Monitoring System

Using IoT Devices In Construction
Connected sites are the construction sites of the future. IoT asset tracking system gives project managers a complete view of the job site assets, equipment, employees and visitors. Use IoT sensors to remotely monitor equipment conditions on the construction sites 24/7.
IoT Asset Tracking For Field Service
Digitize field service operations using IoT system. Automate tracking of tools and equipment. Always know what do you have at each service truck, job site and in the warehouse. Monitor equipment conditions remotely with the BLE sensors. Detect small issues early and correct them before they lead to the equipment break down.
IoT Devices In Manufacturing
Automate WIP tracking with the IoT gateways and BLE tags. Install a gateway at each work station. A gateway will detect each work order as it arrived and left the station. You can review live status of everything in production at any time via a cloud software web dashboard. You can also restore production history for each work order. IoT based WIP tracking works on its own - company employees do not need to do anything extra.
Smart Warehouse With IoT Technology
Bring warehouse management up to date with IoT system. Automate warehouse inventory management process using BLE tags and a smartphone. Bluetooth warehouse inventory management is a more robust and less expensive alternative to RFID inventory management. Use IoT gateways and sensors for the remote warehouse climate control.
BLE Tool Tracking For Contractors
Tag work tools with the BLE beacons, and you will always know where the tools are. Track tools with the smartphones or use a dedicated IoT gateway. Mix and match both methods to achieve the best results. With the Bluetooth tool tracking system you will never lose track of the valuable tools again.
lot number inventory tracking for food industry
IoT Climate Control For Food Manufacturers
Use IoT sensors to monitor food products conditions through the entire supply chain. Monitor conditions during warehouse storage, transport and food processing. Make sure that the cold chain is preserved and that food products are safe to consume. Receive instant alerts if conditions go out of the acceptable range, and correct the problem quickly.

Business Use Cases For IoT Asset Tracking System

Bluetooth IoT Asset Tracking
IoT technologies allow for a real time asset tracking with little or no human participation. A QR Inventory software uses BLE tags to automate assets tracking. You can use a smartphone or a dedicated IoT gateway for sending asset data to the back end cloud software. Regardless of the method, you can always review real time assets locations and status.
Bluetooth Inventory Management
Bluetooth low energy (BLE) emerges as a viable lower cost alternative to the RFID for inventory management. BLE tags allow for the fast bulk scanning of inventory, without a need to locate and scan a barcode on each single inventory item. Unlike RFID, you can use regular smartphones and tablets for the bulk scanning of BLE inventory tags.
IoT Technology For Production And WIP Tracking
Track work in progress automatically using IoT devices. Install an IoT gateway at each work station to detect incoming or leaving work orders. You can use a dedicated IoT gateway, or smartphones or tablets with the gateway mobile app. Review real time WIP inventory and work order status via the cloud software web dashboard from anywhere.
IoT Temperature And Humidity Monitoring
Make sure that assets are stored and are operating at the right conditions. Prevent assets damage, inventory spoilage and waste. A network of BLE sensors monitor temperature and humidity conditions in the designated zones, and send data to the cloud software in real time. An IoT monitoring system gives you a full 24/7 visibility into the assets conditions without any manual labor involved.
Using IoT Sensors For Damage Prevention
Use sensors to detect issues that can cause damage to the assets or properties. Detect anything unusual. It can be abnormal temperature or humidity, leakage of the harmful substances, vibration patterns, etc. Receive instant alerts if something goes wrong. Correct issues fast and prevent costly repairs to the properties or assets down the road.
Safety Management Using IoT Technology
Use wearable BLE beacons for the job sites employees and visitors to monitor their location. Make sure that unauthorized personnel and visitors stay out of the danger zones. Alert management team of a hazardous situation that require attention, so that they can act fast to correct the problem. Reduce risk of the accidents and injuries on the construction sites.

BLE Asset & Inventory Managemet - Case Studies

Using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) To Prevent Loss Of Warehouse Assets

PositiveCarry, LLC, a delivery company, was facing a recurring nightmare – the regular loss of their expensive Zebra handheld scanners. A QR Inventory software stepped in, implementing a tailored solution using BLE tags and IoT gateways. The results were astonishing. In the year since implementing an IoT asset tracking, Positive Carry hasn't lost a single scanner.

❱❱ BLE Asset Management - Case Study.

Using BLE Tags And Andrid Based IoT Gateways For Lumber Inventory Tracking

Structure Craft, a structured components manufactuer, needed a reliable and automated way to track lumber lif through the process, from receiving to use in production. A BLE inventory management system provides Structure Craft a complete real-time visibility of its lumber inventory, including precise location tracking, movement history, and production records. The entire process is automated and streamlined, requiring minimal employee involvement, significantly improving efficiency and reducing errors.

❱❱ BLE Inventory Management - Case Study.

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