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Smart IoT Asset Tracking And Monitoring System - Video Demo

Review a video demo of the IoT asset tracking system to get a sense and deel of how it works.

IoT Asset Tracking System Overview

A QR code or barcode asset management system continues to be a great low-cost option for keeping track of the assets without requiring too much work from the employees. Hundreds of companies have been using our QR Inventory system since 2014. But what if having employees scan QR codes each time they move assets between locations is not an option for your business?

An IoT asset tracking system is the answer! It works on its own, without employees involvement, and gives you an accurate real time view of the assets location and movement history.

Bluetooth IoT Gateway

A Bluetooth IoT gateway is an integral part of the asset tracking system. A gateway scans for the assets tagged with the BLE tags within its range. It processes the data and sends asset status updates to a back end cloud software at pre-set time intervals.

The video shows how to set up and configure a BLE gateway based on Raspberry Pi. The same configuration option are available in the gateways based on iOS or Android devices.

BLE Based IoT Asset Tracking System In Action

This demo video shows an IoT asset tracking system in action. You will see:

  • how an IoT gateway detects assets that enter or exit a monitored location
  • how you can set alarms to warn you on the misplaced assets
  • how you can track assets that passed through the entrance / exit to the facility
  • and how you can detect which truck / employee carried assets in or out

IoT Asset Tracking System Reports

This video show what data you get by implementing an IoT asset tracking system.

An IoT asset tracking system reports include:

  • current location of all trackable assets
  • list of assets at all tracked locations
  • historic assets location
  • assets utilization and usage statistics
  • missing assets
  • alerts on misplaced assets
  • and more...

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