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Construction Equipment Tracking Software

Efficient construction equipment management with smartphones, QR codes, NFC or BLE tags.

Accurate construction equipment tracking increases efficiency on the job sites and boosts your productivity. With the QR Inventory software and a mobile app you can easily and efficiently track all types of construction equipment: heavy machinery, small tools, trucks and fleet vehicles. Keep track of construction inventory, tools and equipment in real time, and have your projects completed on time and within budget. Optionally you can add an IoT asset tracking system for the fully automated construction equipment tracking and conditions monitoring.

Construction Equipment Tracking Software: Features And Benefits

Real Time Equipment Location

With the construction equipment tracking software you always know where your construction assets are located and how they are being used. With the full visibility into equipment location and availability you do not have projects delays, and job site employees do not waste time looking for the missing assets. In the QR Inventory software you have a choice of equipment tags and trackers that fit your needs and budget.

Equipment Utilization Tracking

Construction equipment tracking software gives you reports on historic equipment usage and trends. You can review equipment use per project and use this info for an accurate job site billing. Access to data on equipment use vs idle time in the yard allows you to do a better planning for assets allocation, rentals and purchases.

Equipment Maintenance Scheduling And Tracking

Construction equipment tracking software allows you to schedule and track equipment maintenance, service and repairs. In the QR Inventory software you can create custom mobile forms and fill them out on a smartphone in the mobile app. Schedule and receive alerts on the upcoming preventive maintenance, warranty expiration and other important dates. Monitoring of the equipment usage and timely maintenance prevents assets damage and jobs delays, extends assets useful life and leads to the significant cost savings over time.

Equipment And Tools Accountability

Construction equipment tracking software helps you create an accountability system for the job site assets. In the QR Inventory software anyone who is checking out an equipment or tool has to record it. When equipment is returned, it is checked in. At each check in or check you can require an employee to fill out a form to document asset conditions. He can add photos and sign off for the asset.
With the asset check out and check in system you always know who is responsible if anything is lost or damaged. The system prevents loss of the construction assets, break downs or theft.

Efficient Construction Equipment Tracking With Modern Technologies

Construction equipment tags and trackers used in the QR Inventory software.

Advanced technologies help you automate construction equipment tracking, make it more accurate and less time consuming. You get live asset data that all team members can access from anywhere. At the same time company employees put in less effort into the asset tracking tasks, and have more time to do their actual job.
A QR Inventory software uses modern technologies and tools for the efficient, real time construction asset management:

  • Smartphones, tablets or mobile computers for the easy, fast and real time asset tracking, on the job sites and in the warehouse.
  • A mobile app for QR code or BLE tags scanning, data entry and look up. A mobile app provides a connection to the back end cloud software and a central database.
  • QR codes or barcodes for the accurate equipment identification and fast processing.
  • BLE tags for fast bulk asset scanning or a fully automated IoT asset tracking system.
  • BLE IoT sensors for the construction equipment conditions monitoring.
  • IoT gateways for transferring asset tracking data to the back end cloud software without a need to scan.
  • A cloud software for the processing and storing of the asset tracking data. Data can be received from the mobile devices or IoT gateways.
  • A central database that serves as a central data repository and access point. It provides real time assets data to the authorized software users and devices.
  • Mobile forms for tracking construction equipment service and maintenance jobs.

A QR Inventory software is flexible. Pick the right set of technologies, modules, tags, trackers and cloud hosting options. Create a construction equipment tracking system that suits your needs and budget.

How Construction Equipment Management Works In The QR Inventory Software

A QR Inventory software gives you the right tools for the efficient construction equipment tracking. A QR code scanning mobile app makes it easy for the field technicians to track field assets re-location and maintenance. A cloud software gives all authorized system users access to the live equipment status reports.

Mobile Equipment Tracking On The Construction Sites

Effective construction equipment tracking is vital for the smooth operations on the job sites.
Real time construction equipment tracking software helps you better organize equipment, reduce assets damage and loss. You can be sure that the right assets are available when they are needed and where they are needed.

Construction Equipment Tracking With The Mobile App And QR Codes

A mobile app and QR codes, NFC or BLE tags make construction equipment tracking simple, accurate and efficient.

Using a QR Inventory software and a mobile app, you can:

  • Organize construction assets. Assets can include heavy equipment, machinery, tools and fleet vehicles.
  • Label assets with the QR codes, NFC or bluetooth low energy (BLE) tags.
  • Record everything that happens to the equipment on a smartphone using a mobile app. You can track assets check in, check out, relocation, assignment to an employee or a project, and anything else you need.
  • Use a mobile app for QR code, NFC or BLE tag scanning, data entry and look up.
  • Fill out construction site paperwork using mobile forms. You can create any type of forms you need. Some examples include equipment maintenance form, fleet vehicles DVIR form, tools calibration, safety inspection, and more.
  • Review real time assets location, status, movement and usage reports via the cloud software web dashboard.

All information recorded in the mobile app is submitted to the back end cloud software in real time. Authorized software users can access live asset data at any time from anywhere.

As a result, you have full control of your assets, tools and equipment, and your construction projects are running smoothly without delays.

Automated Construction Equipment Tracking Using Bluetooth IoT

Smart IoT solutions help you increase productivity on the construction sites, and free job site workers from asset tracking tasks.

You can fully automate construction equipment tracking with the Bluetooth asset tracking system. Use BLE tags on the assets, and either a mobile app or an IoT gateway for the data transfer.

BLE tags can be read by a smartphone at a distance, and do not require scanning. A job site or a yard foreman record equipment that you have on a job site or in the yard with one click in the mobile app. This ability gives you a big speed and productivity advantage over the QR codes.

Or perhaps you do not want job site employees to do any extra work for construction equipment tracking. If this is the case, you can ditch a mobile app and use a Bluetooth IoT gateway. A gateway detects construction assets tagged with the BLE tags and sends updates to the cloud software - no employees participation is required.

You get real time reports on the real time assets location, assets movement history, usage report, and alerts on missing or misplaced equipment.

More on BLE Construction Asset Management     More on BLE Tool Tracking


Equipment Specs Access With A QR Code Scan

Instant access to the equipment specs makes field technicians' job much more productive. A technician gets all needed info without a delay, and can make better decision on the equipment operations or repairs.

In the QR Inventory mobile app field techs can access all equipment info that they need to do their job with one QR code scan. Info can include equipment spec sheet, pdf documents, images, drawings, past service records, and more. Anything that a technician needs to know on the job can be instantly accessed. You control what data field employees can access via a cloud software web interface.

Tracking Construction Equipment Use Authorization

Before an employee can start using construction machinery and tools he may need to obtain a certification. You can easily manage users certifications in the QR Inventory software.

You can upload users certificates list for all equipment types, and update it as needed. When an employee tries to check out a tool or equipment, a QR Inventory software will verify that he has a required certification. If an employee is not authorized to use the selected asset he will not be able to check it out. Instead he will be redirected to the page with the info on how and where he can get certified.

Construction Equipment Maintenance Tracking

Maintenance management is a must have feature of the construction equipment management software. Regular equipment maintenance helps find and fix small issues before they become a major problem. Well-maintained equipment is less likely to fail in the most unfortunate moment. You also reduce the risk of accidents that can cause injury to the operators.
A QR Inventory software streamlines equipment maintenance with the QR codes, mobile forms and auto alerts.

Construction Equipment Maintenance Tracking With Mobile Forms

Increase construction equipment useful life with the timely preventive maintenance.

Mobile forms allow field techs to easily track and record equipment maintenance on the job sites. They can simply use their smartphones to scan a QR code, and fill out equipment maintenance forms in the mobile app. Once they're done, the forms are sent in real time from the mobile app to the back end cloud software.

After maintenance and service tasks are completed, the records are instantly available to the authorized software users from anywhere. Office employees can access maintenance records on the office computers, and field technicians in the mobile app.

You can create custom mobile forms for all types of job site paperwork using the cloud software web dashboard.

More On Construction Equipment Maintenance

Equipment Maintenance Alerts

An alert system in the construction equipment tracking software ensures that assets are well maintained, nothing falls through the cracks or forgotten. You can create custom alerts for all kinds of equipment management tasks. Here are some alert types that you can set up in the QR Inventory software:

  • Preventive maintenance. Create reminders to alert you which equipment requires preventive maintenance soon. Make sure that equipment maintenance is done on time. Prevent equipment damage, job delays and accidents.
  • Warranty expiration. Get a warning on the assets warranty expiration. Make sure that all needed repairs are done before warranty is expired.
  • Out of range values.Get an instant alert if the data submitted in the equipment inspection form contain out of range values. You define what should be considered "out of range" when creating a mobile form. React to the problems fast and prevent equipment damage, downtime or replacement.

Equipment Conditions Monitoring With The IoT Sensors

Use predictive maintenance rather than preventive maintenance. Make sure that equipment is serviced based on the actual conditions, not on a pre-set time frame. An optional IoT temperature and humidity monitoring system in the QR Inventory software allows you to remotely monitor construction equipment conditions on multiple job sites via a single web dashboard. The system consists of BLE IoT sensors and gateways. You can use the same IoT gateways for construction asset tracking and conditions monitoring.

Everything is fully automated - you do not need to do any manual work or measurements. You automatically get digital temperature and humidity logs 24/7, and alerts if temperature or humidity go out of the acceptable range. This alerts system allows you to act quickly and prevent assets damage.

Easy To Use And Flexible Equipment Tracking Software

A QR Inventory software allows you to configure construction equipment tracking system based on your needs and workflow. A user-friendly and intuitive interface in the web software and a mobile app reduces learning curve to the absolute minimum.

Set Up Construction Equipment Tracking Process The Way You Need

Adjust equipment tracking software to your needs, not the other way around.

It's important for the construction equipment tracking software to be flexible. Every construction job is unique, with its own requirements and ways of working. Construction jobs use many types of equipment, from heavy machinery and vehicles to small tools, and anything in between. A flexible software can handle all your job requirements and make your life easier, not harder.

A QR Inventory software is very flexible. It is easy to adjust your construction equipment tracking process to the way you do business. You can control many aspects of the asset management via the cloud software web dashboard. Here are some of the things you can control:

  • what data do you want to store in the software for each asset group
  • which asset transactions do you need
  • what extra data you want to collect when construction equipment is moved, checked out or checked in
  • how to handle various field locations: job sites, service trucks, etc.
  • what data field technicians can access with a QR code scan

You can create:
  • custom mobile forms for tracking construction assets service and maintenance
  • custom alerts on various events, from preventive maintenance to out of range data submitted in a mobile form
  • custom pdf reports for sharing with the clients or external auditors
  • and more...

A User Friendly Mobile App And Cloud Software Interface

A software is only useful if company employees can work with it without any problems. The software use should not distract them from their main jobs.

A QR Inventory software is simple and intuitive. You can set it up within several days and start getting benefits of the digital construction equipment tracking.

  • A mobile app interface is simple and uncluttered. It has just the right functionality for the field equipment tracking tasks.
  • A mobile app advanced features reduce manual entries, and make asset tracking tasks quick and simple. These features include a QR code scanning, selection lists, smart auto-fill, photo capture, and more.
  • A cloud software interface is intuitive, user-friendly and is designed to reduce repetitive tasks.
  • Our software walk through session gets you up to speed fast so that you could become productive in no time.

Comprehensive Construction Equipment Tracking Reports

Real-time reporting provides instant view into the status of all construction jobs. Timely information allows project managers to track progress, identify delays, and make informed decisions promptly. This helps construction companies to keep projects on schedule and within budget.

Real Time Reports On The Construction Equipment Location, Movement And Conditions

You can access construction assets reports on demand from anywhere via a cloud software web interface. Here are some of the equipment tracking reports that you can review and download:

  • Current location of all assets and equipment
  • List of equipment employed on each job site, and list of equipment in the yard or warehouse available to use for the current and future construction projects
  • Assets transactions history, with the date, time, employee name, locations, extra data collected in the mobile app, images and signature.
  • Historic equipment location for the job site billing, with dates, number of days used for a job and the cost.
  • Construction assets utilization report for the selected time frame
  • Construction equipment maintenance and service records
  • and more...

Construction Equipment And Tool Tracking FAQ

How do you track construction tools and equipment in the QR Inventory software.

Using QR Codes Or BLE Tags To Track Field Equipment And Tools

Check these frequently asked questions for a better understanding of the practical steps you need to take to start tracking construction equipment and tools in the QR Inventory software. Learn which asset tags and trackers you can use, how to set up an equipment tracking system, how to generate and print QR codes for assets, and more.

❱❱ How do we track equipment and tools

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